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Culture--Company Current position: Home Culture Culture--Company

  1. Tonghe vision: Scientific Tonghe, Internatiinal Tonghe, Centurial Tonghe
  2. Tonghe strategy: inheritage, talent, product, base, marketing
  3. Tonghe culture: good idea, good thought, good atmosphere, good practice, good habit, good cultivation
  4. Tonghe spirit: never give up , to be the first
  5. Tonghe dream: let textile factories all over the world use Tonghe products
  6. Tonghe faith: devote all to more healthy, more fashionable and more civilized clothes
  7. Tonghe belief: to be the best textile machinery manufacturer and supplier all over the world
  8. Tonghe impression: idea changes the world, innovation creates value, quality creates brand, culture leads to achievement
  9. Tonghe example:
Life example: Chairman Mao,and his thoughts Company example: Apple Inc., innovation changes the world Product example: Rieter, textile machinery Wealth example: Li Jiacheng, Li Ka-shing, Cheung Kong Group Patriot example: Zhang Xueliang, patriotism Nation hero example: Genghis Khan

       10.Tonghe four “be kind to”:

Be kind to customers, always create value for customers Be kind to suppliers, get along well with each other and create wealth for suppliers Be kind to employees Be kind to ourselves and family members,

        11. Tonghe development location

The most steady company, the most law-abiding company, the most environmental company, the most professional company, the most fortunate company, the most long-lasting company, the most excellent employees, the most hard-working team
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